Saturday, April 25, 2015

~ Accelerating sea level rise: An increase of the Sea Level leads to increased coastal flooding. This is because the ice tops and bergs melt due to the extensive heat. As the natural greenhouse effect increases ,it doesn’t allow the greenhouse gases to head outside the earth’s atmosphere, due to various reasons like industries letting out fumes, burning of fossil fuels etc.
melting ice top/glaciers cause floods, and extreme weather conditions make it very hard for agriculture and the daily lives of people to happen as scheduled or as they plan them to happen.

~ The wildfires are increasing and the flora, fauna, and the humans living nearby are at danger, as the wildfires are destroying the animals habitat and causing damage to the vegetation of the humans.
~ Increase in the amount of Heat Waves: Due to the extremely scorching weather due to Global Warming, the amount of heat waves are increasing each day. This causes much harm to the health conditions of people around them.
~ Due to the various issues caused by this global warming there are some threats to the historic and well known places of various countries. For instance:The statue of Liberty in New York is turning green due to the acid rain which in turn is caused due to all the factories letting out fumed gases and getting trapped in the atmosphere. Also there has been an increase in hurricanes and floods which can damage the monument.
~ As there is way more heat and drought that is caused by the global conditions today there is a lot of forest regions on risk on the present dates. killing many trees and leaving the forests blank and not green.
~ Changing health conditions due to the weather conditions implement much risk to the coming generations as well as the present as there is much air pollution, etc causing many threats to the people.As the gases dont exit; there are a lot of fumes and harmful substances in the air at all times this causes many breathing problems like asthma,etc.
~ Flooding and precipitation: As the ice melts extremely faster due to the drastic increase in temperature, there are a vast amount of floods in many regions and areas.
~ Droughts: as there are a lot of extreme weather conditions there is a lot of droughts that take place these days. taking away much of the places groundwater and also regions that remained dry throughout the year now are way drier resulting in droughts due to the extreme conditions.
~ Pressure on groundwater supplies: as there are a lot of dry regions there is much pressure on them as there is more demand due to the drier weather conditions.
~ Coral Reefs: Even sea temperatures rise, scientists have proved that even 1 degree celsius can cause much damage that cannot be reversed later.

~ Species: Many animal species are extinct or are close to extinction due to the weather conditions. For instance polar bears are losing their habitats due to the ever melting ice.

"Global Warming Impacts." Union of Concerned Scientists. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2015.

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